Current Projects

Learn more about our ongoing projects

The HTA partners are currently working on a variety of (EU) projects together. Here you can find ongiong projects in which at least three of the partners are involved.

Additive Manufacturing

European Packaging, Assembly and Test Pilot for Manufacturing of Advanced System-in-Package (EuroPAT-MASIP)

CEA-Leti, Fraunhofer Microelectronics, VTT / April 4, 2017 - December 31, 2020

The European Packaging, Assembly and Test Pilot for Manufacturing of Advanced System-In-Package (EuroPAT-MASIP) project will reinforce the European semiconductor manufacturing position through focusing in the Integrated Circuit and MEMS packaging ecosystem.

The goal of the project is to accelerate the manufacturing uptake of advanced packaging technologies and shorten time-to-market by demonstrating the new capabilities in need-based Application Pilots.

project website